Country/Artist(s): Nigeria
Date: Year 2021 Instrumental Beat
Genre/Type Beat: Hip Hop
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Here is Dagrin’s pon pon pon instrumental. The beat is a remake and is produced by Technical C. Dagrin is widely regarded as one of the best indigenous rappers in Nigeria who died at the peak of his career. Yes he is late now but his music lives on and is ever fresh in our heart. You can download and enjoy this dagrin instrumental beat for free. It is a good hip hop beat and can be used in your naija rap music or covers. You can also find and download latest naija beats on our website. Enjoy ponponpon instrumental mp3, Naija Rap Beat, download dagrin rap freebeat, rap instrumental. Pon de play and drop your comments.
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Download Below Free Instrumental Beat Mp3 – Free Dagrin Instrumental – Pon Pon Pon Instrumental Mp3
Originally posted 2019-10-15 00:11:31.
This beat is made by a good and confirm producer that why it use almost in every rap battle i love the beat personally dagrin still live on great mentor 💓💓💓💓
I want to download dagrin free beat
This beat mad
Ajeh mo like e pa
This beat mad
Ajeh mo like e pa
This beat mad
Ajeh mo like e pa
I want to download dagrin beat now help